In the middle of last year I had for the very first time in my life an abnormal PAP smear. HPV was detected +10 years ago but I never had any issue or abnormal smear test results. The smear test indicated that it wasn't clear, it was either low-grade or high-grade abnormal cells and I had to do a colposcopy and biopsy. I did that and the result shocked me. CIN3. The doctors scheduled me for a LLETZ procedure 2 weeks after the results came in. I was in shock. How can you go from normal to CIN3 in only 3 years (my last smear test)? I did have a lot of stress...but still. I couldn't believe it and I cried for days. I felt overwhelmed but I didn't like the rush for a LLETZ in such a short time. I started researching cervical dysplasia, CIN3, HPV, cervical cancer. What I learned is that in most of the cases the lesion progress slowly to cancer. My doctors were in Ireland, but as I'm not Irish myself I turned to doctors from other countries. At least two doctors told me that I had 6 months to a year if I really wanted to wait. So I gave myself 3 months to do everything in my power to heal. I researched LLETZ and came across potential long-term issues with the intervention. I didn't want to take that risk! I also didn't want to go down the path of LLETZ with a risk to do it again and again.
I looked for alternatives and I found two. One was a doctor who prescribed me meds to treat the HPV , because in the end if the HPV is gone the lesions should (theoretically) not progress. The other doctor I found was in Austria, Dr. Paul Speiser, and he does this sort of "peeling" with Trichloroacetic acid. The acid is already used in anal lesions due to HPV and many years ago he started using this method for the cervix. He also published a research study with the university of Vienna. I researched it and it looked like there were no side effects, at least I couldn't find any. Here is his website: I'm not affiliated or anything with him. I told my doctors about it and they were not really pleased. They raised massive doubts if my pretty advanced CIN3 could be treated with something that superficial. I was told it was deep in my cells. I did the treatment in Austria and it was pretty painless. I had no side effects and I could do whatever I want after (contrary to the much more invasive LLETZ procedure...). I did take a good rest though, as I believe in helping my body to heal by resting as much as possible. I had to respect the main things like taking no bath for three weeks etc, basically anything that you would also avoid after a biopsy. I came in again for a check and biopsy 8 weeks later, they did the biopsy incredibly well and painless. I then waited for the results. My results came back clear! No more lesions!! I still did have the HPV but was told that it could take a few more months to clear and that I should do a follow-up appointment.
The amazing thing with this alternative treatment is, that it has - as far as I know - no side effects and the skin that is peeled off replaces itself! So you don't loose any of your cervix. According to the biopsy my cells are now healthy. I will still need to be mindful, do regular checks and also hopefully eliminate HPV. But having an alternative to a LLETZ or similar procedure is simply mind blowing, because literally every gynecologist told me there is only LLETZ or the like. Research for yourself the potential side effects of a LLETZ procedure. While the risk might be low, it doesn't mean it can't happen. I didn't want to take the slightest risk.
Update: 6 months after the treatment the HPV is finally gone! And I had one of the main risk strains (16 I believe). All HPV is now negative.